About Me

I have been writing stories for as long as I can remember, which is a really long time if you count all those past lives. Of course, only count those if you believe in them. Angels, Ghosts and the Otherworld was not planned, it just spilled out onto the pages in the midst of another project. It was first published as an ongoing serial and won first prize in a nonfiction contest.
It was quite nerve-wracking sharing the stories of my life, but the spirits were so persistent that it was impossible to ignore them. They want the world to know that they're not all bad. Most of them are sticking around to keep an eye on loved ones and give you sage advice. I have always believed in ghosts and angels.It's really hard not to when they pop up at the most random moments. Sometimes they are one in the same, angels and ghosts.
I hope with all my heart that fantastical worlds exist. I guess we'll all find out one of these days. but in the meantime, it sure is fun to write about them. The ghosts assure me that the otherworld is real. Of course, it's possible that I'm as mad as a hatter. I do love tea parties and costumes and fancy things.
You may believe, you may not, but I hope you enjoy the adventure that these tales take you on.
It was quite nerve-wracking sharing the stories of my life, but the spirits were so persistent that it was impossible to ignore them. They want the world to know that they're not all bad. Most of them are sticking around to keep an eye on loved ones and give you sage advice. I have always believed in ghosts and angels.It's really hard not to when they pop up at the most random moments. Sometimes they are one in the same, angels and ghosts.
I hope with all my heart that fantastical worlds exist. I guess we'll all find out one of these days. but in the meantime, it sure is fun to write about them. The ghosts assure me that the otherworld is real. Of course, it's possible that I'm as mad as a hatter. I do love tea parties and costumes and fancy things.
You may believe, you may not, but I hope you enjoy the adventure that these tales take you on.
"Memories from the past are delicate fleeting things. They often get lost in the ethers of time only to be retold by those old enough to link stories to fading photographs."